Girl Power

Let's get some facts straight. Girls rule. So then why do they make up a mere 20% of the technology and computer science job force? Why are the lines for the lady's room at technology conferences so short? Any woman can testify the agony of having to stand in the long bathroom line at the airport, sporting events, and amusement parks. Sadly, the same does not apply to the non-existent lines at events like the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco and other technology conferences.This shows the gender gap associated with technology based careers. Women are outnumbered in a growing field that is high paying, transferable, and in high demand. As the world moves into an even denser information age, new jobs will come about while others become obsolete. So why are women so underrepresented in this job industry? I have no idea. Women have everything it takes to become successful in computer science and technology careers. We hope this website inspires current and aspiring women to become a strong driving force behind up and coming technology related careers.

Tech Women in Action

Quotes from Real Tech Women

We asked real women just like you about what made them join the world of tech and if they had advice for women who are interested in getting into the field.

Throughout middle school and high school, I was really interested in mathematics, and I was constantly on the lookout for an interesting way to incorporate math into a fun career. Then, I found the field of computer science and it was a perfect match. Computer science is a great way to incorporate mathematics into a career
- IBM Employee

In high school, I was really interested in graphic design, and during college, I figured out that coding was such an efficient and effective way to work with graphics. It changed the way I thought about design and it made my work much easier. If I had to give any words of wisdom to anybody interested in the field, I would say that it is so important to work with code as much as possible. At the end of the day, coding is so beneficial in all areas of work and it can make many tasks easier and more efficient.
- Pearl Hacker

As a teenager, I was obsessed with anything related to robotics, gaming, and anything of the likes. I was a really detail-oriented person, and working with technology has a lot to do with detail. In my job, I get to work with customers a lot, but I also get to work with hardware. Technology is a profession that makes work not seem like a task.
- Katherine McAuliffe, Event Engineer at Pebble

Women are so crucial right now in the field of technology. I didn't grow up with tech parents, but in high school, I began to explore technology, and it was great. It is so important to get women in the profession of technology, and it is such a rewarding job.
- Niharika Bedekar, Developer Events Coordinator at Pebble